Monday, September 10, 2012

Satanic Attack or Refining Fire?

When you think you’re under attack ~ make sure you know who’s doing the shooting.

A week ago I was on my way to a local monthly Prayer Breakfast group to deliver my testimony and to speak about the work I am doing to establish Truth @ Work Christian Business Roundtables in Southern New England. It was a wonderful and unplanned opportunity made possible by a number of chance circumstances and a mention of the work to a new friend.

The weekend prior to the breakfast the battery of my main vehicle (a pickup truck) had failed but the occurrence over a weekend was a fortunate one as I was able to replace the battery at my leisure using our other car. I was pretty sure it was the battery and not the alternator and considered the “fix” to be complete. The evening before the breakfast I remarked to my wife how it might have been very inconvenient for the battery to have failed the next morning when the weather was supposed to be messy. The next day I was up early in prayer and preparation. At the appointed hour I set out in the early morning darkness and a heavy, driving rain. I have to admit a hint of uncertainty as I put the key in the ignition but the engine turned over without hesitation and I was off. It was cozy in the cabin protected from the elements.

The wind and rain buffeted as I made my way to the highway – traffic was slow in the poor visibility and puddles on the highway caused the truck to pull every now and then. As I was rehearsing my opening remarks there was a faint thud somewhere on the left hand side. I had seen nothing and wondered what I might have hit. Then a dashboard light came on warning me to check tire pressure on my left front tire. The truck almost immediately starting pulling in that direction accompanied by a low and rising humming sound. I couldn’t believe it – I had a flat!

The thought of angelic warfare crossed my mind for a split second – but I had more pressing things to dwell on for the moment.

“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil,” ~ Ephesians. 6:11

It couldn’t have happened in a worse spot. I was between an “on” and an “off” ramp where there was no breakdown lane. Merging traffic was heavy and urging me on with nowhere to pull over. So I continued on with images of a mangled tire and a possible ruined rim coursing through my mind. I had to “get over”. The highway split and merged onto another more major highway with tractor trailers sailing along at full speed. I managed to pull over under an overpass but the break down lane was only as wide as my truck. The windblast from every vehicle that went by me shook the truck. I was afraid I was going to be hit. Getting out was out of the question. The next off-ramp was a mile up. I hit the flashers and called AAA keeping my eyes glued to the rear view mirror and pumping the brakes every so often to warn overtaking traffic. Sheets of rain whipped and swirled around outside. The rain was so heavy that there were several inches of water on the road as it tried to run off. I wasn’t going to make the breakfast.

The AAA dispatchers were great and warned me to stay put in the vehicle. An emergency vehicle would be there in fifteen to twenty minutes. Was I okay? The question puzzled me. I guess I was supposed to be hysterical. I told them I was fine and thanks.

Now the mind began to re-engage. Was this a spiritual attack or what? Luckily I had the cell phone of the Pastor who organized the breakfast. So I called him with my status and, with disappointment and understanding in his voice, he wished me well and said we’d “reschedule” sometime in the future. Then I called my wife who had the day off. I woke her from a rare “sleep in”. Her reaction was immediate. She’d get in our other car, drive up, swap out vehicles with me and wait for AAA in my place – I could still make the breakfast after all. My response was equally immediate – no way, too dangerous but – wow - thanks for offering.

I was angry, I was sad, I was mad, I was frustrated, I was feeling sorry for myself, I was resigned, I was feeling helpless and self righteous – all at once. I had waited several weeks for this opportunity. Now it had slipped though my fingers on account of some freak piece of debris that had made quick work of one of my brand new heavy duty P275/55R20 truck tires (… which are $200 a pop by the way).

We’ve all heard it before. When you step out for God you will come under fire. It is the mark of a true soldier in the battle! Satan will attack with petty things and inconveniences (or worse) to break your will and to discourage. As I waited I marinated in that thought and it drifted into prayer. I suppose there were much worse things that could have happened to prevent my appearance at the breakfast. Thank God they had not. The reality of Job’s situation came to mind; how God had allowed satan to mess around with Job’s life – for a purpose. Was “this” for a purpose? What purpose? God has “the” plan and so this was in His plan somehow. I asked Him to reveal it to me.

Then it came. My wife. Her offer to “take my place”. The realization of it (and the tears of joy) just came and in that truck by the side of that highway in the pre-dawn darkness, in the rain, strangers whishing by on their hectic schedules and I was so, SO thankful to God. And then a second wave came – IN MY PLACE - - - JESUS. I didn’t have to ask – He just did it - He went first. He always goes first.

Sometimes you have to live it - to get it.

All was well. When AAA arrived they couldn’t figure out how to remove the spare from under the pickup bed and I had to show them. My wife could not have done that. Then their heavy duty floor jack miraculously failed spewing hydraulic fluid everywhere … we had to use my dinky jack and scavenged the weeds by the highway for pieces of lumber to put under it. I got all wet. As it turned out the speaker for a breakfast in two months let me have his spot. I’ll be better prepared then (with a pertinent testimony to share) and there will probably be an attendee or two who was not at the breakfast I missed who need to hear what I will have to say. The tire was not lost and the spare had air in it. Four hours and only thirty dollars later (plus the cash in my pocket as a tip for the good natured and easy going AAA fellows) – and I was back where I started – but with a measure more of patience and blessed assurance.    

P.S:  In my previous blog post titled, “A Peace That Surpasses Understanding”, I wrote about how God sometimes communicates in exquisite personal ways if we have ears to hear and eyes to see. A post script to that blog is that I have prayed for assurance that my wife and I are equally yoked and committed in this adventure that “we“ are on. You will recall the hawk feather. Well a few days after posting that blog my wife was out jogging alone and while running past a freshly cut lawn – just feet from the road – was another hawk feather, pristine, sticking up like a flower calling out "pick me". She came home beaming and presented me with “her” message from God. You don’t find hawk feathers sticking out of lawns like that. We are indeed in this together. 

“God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.” ~ James 1:12 (NLT)

All the best!


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