Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Passion of Leadership

Passion: The state or capacity of being acted on by external agents or forces. Intense, driving or overmastering feeling or conviction for something. A strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, concept or calling.

"A great leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.”
— John Maxwell,

These are actual notes from the journal of a CEO and change agent;

“I am working in a new position and I’m there to conceive, lead and implement change for the better that will benefit the organization and the lives and livelihood of the staff and the people that the staff serve.  I am an agent of change for the good of the enterprise.  My track record indicates that I have what it takes to accomplish this mission and I was sought and recruited to fill this role. It all involves change.  In some cases the change will require a degree of temporal discomfort, effort and extraordinary attentiveness … as those I lead must adjust, modify and adapt for a new reality. The benefits in the long term will be wonderful. I know this but they do not. Accomplishment rates will go up.  Goals will be achieved. The enterprise will be sustainable.  People will know where they stand.  Self esteem will rise. There is a great professional and personal life ahead for all if we implement the changes that I believe we need to make and which I will propose and implement. 100% of the Staff say that the organization needs change and things have to get better.  Stress and anxiety are high, morale is low and some people are even physically unhealthy as a result. Excessive smoking and signs of substance abuse and excessive alcohol consumption are apparent.

They say they need change but I know that going through change will be extraordinarily inefficient to the way things have been - from the very top of the organization to the bottom. The status quo and the routines that torment this organization are also a comfort zone of sameness. They will first be uncomfortable then weary and then resistant to the “inefficiencies” I will bring that challenge that “sameness” and they will yearn for their former miserable condition. Some will come to hate me for the process I will bring toward what is good and better.

Some staffers have embraced my approach and have joined themselves to my hip as we go forward.  These few have experienced pressure and hard work, but they have also gotten to know me.  Their lives have improved and they know that my intentions are for their benefit. They experience my character and my passion and they are inspired. They are drawing energy from their effort. By working with me they have observed my labor and sacrifices on their behalf. By listening to me, by speaking to me, and even asking me questions along the way, they have understood how I think and have broadened their views. These few have tapped into my years of experience and education – they can visualize the planned outcome and they are inspired further.

Those who have avoided me, those who have not trusted me enough to get close … do not know me.  These people often question and even reject my intentions not knowing the fullness of the potential benefit. Their distance and distrust has robbed them of real benefits that I have brought because they refuse to partake of what is right in front of them … being so preoccupied with their personal fears. They are drained of energy by their resistance. I have compassion for their fears and I will be patient knowing that they will have to get accustomed to me. I am not here to command respect or to demand total submission. I know that a leader is someone you will follow to a place you wouldn’t go by yourself. I need willing followers. I am here to bring them to a place that they will occupy and carry onward.

In some cases, doubt and mistrust has bred ignorant cynicism and sarcasm of my actions by some. Such individuals have fallen into lives that are full of anxiety, fear and paranoia.  A few, out of desperation, have resorted to a form of surrender. But these merely lay down and must be dragged along having no momentum or energy of their own.  Some approach me with the heart of a cornered animal who feels as though the only thing they can do is to lash out and attack.  So they have come lashing out, threatening that they will either collapse or quit if the pressure is not relieved or try to have me replaced or discredited. But I am placed here by a higher authority. I am not affected by their attack. I know they are desperate – and do not know what they are doing. Their immediate panic is not my concern. I see them on the other side of their dismay and selfish concern down the line. They have become comfortable in their misery. It is what they know. I am interested in their long term good. Some of these, in their desperation, have lashed out personally and I have respected their boldness and taken the opportunity to get closer to explain things to them … and a few … those who let their guard drop and removed their lenses of rigidity have come to realize how blinded they had become in their distant, impersonal, self-centered and withdrawn state. Some withdraw all support but do not openly resist – preferring to see me fail by their disengagement, instigation of subversive actions and character disparaging gossip. They wear the label of change but are betrayers of the greater cause and themselves - imposters. These are the most sinister of all.

Some prefer to dance between being withdrawn and being involved in a game of half-hearted commitment that is really a waste of their time and mine. These “on and off” participants are probably the most miserable of the bunch. They spend so much time on both sides of the problems that they would have been better off either totally fighting me or fully supporting me. There is no follow-thru in their commitments, their faith in the vision is shallow and their modest committed efforts come to nothing. They might as well have done nothing.

I am in this for the long haul. Those who resist me I will eventually leave to their own devises and they will either abandon the organization, be marginalized or be part of an eventual down sizing that will prune the organization and allow for the addition of fresh talent and energy from new arrivers. I believe in positioning my people for success and giving them the tools they need to succeed.  I will even go so far as to place those tools right in their hands. But those hands have to manipulate those tools and the minds and hearts must embrace the new way.

I have seen it all before. This is not my first turnaround and it won’t be my last. I truly love what I do and I am patient for the process to unfold in its time.”   
 ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
 One cannot read those words and fail to reflect on the greatest change-agent that mankind has ever known – Jesus Christ - and His passion. Jesus Christ; Agent of change, turnaround CEO of the world - of Creation.

Christian business leaders have a unique perspective on life through their calling as leaders. Leaders are blessed with exquisite glimpses of the work of Jesus Christ and His passion through their own experiences leading others to places they would never dare to go by themselves.

"When you set yourself on fire, people love to come and see you burn.”
— John Wesley

I pray that your stewardship of the position you hold bears much fruit and reflects a Christ-like passion to emulate the worthy calling to which you have been called ...


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