Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The Passion of Leadership

Passion: The state or capacity of being acted on by external agents or forces. Intense, driving or overmastering feeling or conviction for something. A strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, concept or calling.

"A great leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.”
— John Maxwell,

These are actual notes from the journal of a CEO and change agent;

“I am working in a new position and I’m there to conceive, lead and implement change for the better that will benefit the organization and the lives and livelihood of the staff and the people that the staff serve.  I am an agent of change for the good of the enterprise.  My track record indicates that I have what it takes to accomplish this mission and I was sought and recruited to fill this role. It all involves change.  In some cases the change will require a degree of temporal discomfort, effort and extraordinary attentiveness … as those I lead must adjust, modify and adapt for a new reality. The benefits in the long term will be wonderful. I know this but they do not. Accomplishment rates will go up.  Goals will be achieved. The enterprise will be sustainable.  People will know where they stand.  Self esteem will rise. There is a great professional and personal life ahead for all if we implement the changes that I believe we need to make and which I will propose and implement. 100% of the Staff say that the organization needs change and things have to get better.  Stress and anxiety are high, morale is low and some people are even physically unhealthy as a result. Excessive smoking and signs of substance abuse and excessive alcohol consumption are apparent.

They say they need change but I know that going through change will be extraordinarily inefficient to the way things have been - from the very top of the organization to the bottom. The status quo and the routines that torment this organization are also a comfort zone of sameness. They will first be uncomfortable then weary and then resistant to the “inefficiencies” I will bring that challenge that “sameness” and they will yearn for their former miserable condition. Some will come to hate me for the process I will bring toward what is good and better.

Some staffers have embraced my approach and have joined themselves to my hip as we go forward.  These few have experienced pressure and hard work, but they have also gotten to know me.  Their lives have improved and they know that my intentions are for their benefit. They experience my character and my passion and they are inspired. They are drawing energy from their effort. By working with me they have observed my labor and sacrifices on their behalf. By listening to me, by speaking to me, and even asking me questions along the way, they have understood how I think and have broadened their views. These few have tapped into my years of experience and education – they can visualize the planned outcome and they are inspired further.

Those who have avoided me, those who have not trusted me enough to get close … do not know me.  These people often question and even reject my intentions not knowing the fullness of the potential benefit. Their distance and distrust has robbed them of real benefits that I have brought because they refuse to partake of what is right in front of them … being so preoccupied with their personal fears. They are drained of energy by their resistance. I have compassion for their fears and I will be patient knowing that they will have to get accustomed to me. I am not here to command respect or to demand total submission. I know that a leader is someone you will follow to a place you wouldn’t go by yourself. I need willing followers. I am here to bring them to a place that they will occupy and carry onward.

In some cases, doubt and mistrust has bred ignorant cynicism and sarcasm of my actions by some. Such individuals have fallen into lives that are full of anxiety, fear and paranoia.  A few, out of desperation, have resorted to a form of surrender. But these merely lay down and must be dragged along having no momentum or energy of their own.  Some approach me with the heart of a cornered animal who feels as though the only thing they can do is to lash out and attack.  So they have come lashing out, threatening that they will either collapse or quit if the pressure is not relieved or try to have me replaced or discredited. But I am placed here by a higher authority. I am not affected by their attack. I know they are desperate – and do not know what they are doing. Their immediate panic is not my concern. I see them on the other side of their dismay and selfish concern down the line. They have become comfortable in their misery. It is what they know. I am interested in their long term good. Some of these, in their desperation, have lashed out personally and I have respected their boldness and taken the opportunity to get closer to explain things to them … and a few … those who let their guard drop and removed their lenses of rigidity have come to realize how blinded they had become in their distant, impersonal, self-centered and withdrawn state. Some withdraw all support but do not openly resist – preferring to see me fail by their disengagement, instigation of subversive actions and character disparaging gossip. They wear the label of change but are betrayers of the greater cause and themselves - imposters. These are the most sinister of all.

Some prefer to dance between being withdrawn and being involved in a game of half-hearted commitment that is really a waste of their time and mine. These “on and off” participants are probably the most miserable of the bunch. They spend so much time on both sides of the problems that they would have been better off either totally fighting me or fully supporting me. There is no follow-thru in their commitments, their faith in the vision is shallow and their modest committed efforts come to nothing. They might as well have done nothing.

I am in this for the long haul. Those who resist me I will eventually leave to their own devises and they will either abandon the organization, be marginalized or be part of an eventual down sizing that will prune the organization and allow for the addition of fresh talent and energy from new arrivers. I believe in positioning my people for success and giving them the tools they need to succeed.  I will even go so far as to place those tools right in their hands. But those hands have to manipulate those tools and the minds and hearts must embrace the new way.

I have seen it all before. This is not my first turnaround and it won’t be my last. I truly love what I do and I am patient for the process to unfold in its time.”   
 ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~
 One cannot read those words and fail to reflect on the greatest change-agent that mankind has ever known – Jesus Christ - and His passion. Jesus Christ; Agent of change, turnaround CEO of the world - of Creation.

Christian business leaders have a unique perspective on life through their calling as leaders. Leaders are blessed with exquisite glimpses of the work of Jesus Christ and His passion through their own experiences leading others to places they would never dare to go by themselves.

"When you set yourself on fire, people love to come and see you burn.”
— John Wesley

I pray that your stewardship of the position you hold bears much fruit and reflects a Christ-like passion to emulate the worthy calling to which you have been called ...


Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Cares of This World & Smart Phones

“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.”  ~ Hebrews 12:1

Could we see it coming? In the 1990s and into the 2000s; Telephones became cell phones, faxes became emails became texts, desktops became laptops and then tablets. Cell phones became Blackberrys®, and then blue tooth ear pieces arrived and then came smart phones. Technology has allowed us to cram tons of information and functionality into smaller and smaller devices while pushing our productivity well into our leisure time. We can work anywhere - any time. “Myth of scarcity” oriented employers love this. “Lyric of abundance” believers struggle for balance. The boundary lines are blurred or gone altogether.

I remember thinking that this ability to work anywhere, any time would allow even the most inefficient worker to appear deceptively productive with 24X7 available to get an 8X5 job done. Initially, it was everyone’s “edge” on the other. And with that enlarged 24X7 window every industry expanded its expectations to occupy it and we are now - many of us - 24X7 slaves by default … thanks to technology. Progress or “Rat Race” redefined and turbocharged?

“Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.” ~ Matthew 13:22

Anyone who is not caught up in the scenario I have described above has maintained their freedom and leveraged the new technology for good through conscious (borderline rebellious) deliberate effort. But those gadgets still beckon and call for our attention with a seductive aroma of guilt that draws us to our busy little devices at all hours and amidst all activities to “take care of business” (whatever that may be) that is never done. The cares of the world cry out to us like the Sirens of Greek Mythology.

To all the type “A”s out there reading this with mental notes popping in their heads; you may rationalize all you wish. Those gadgets in the pic above are from my tech "junk drawer" ...

The cares of the world, the things of this world, being conformed to the world are all things we are warned about in the Bible. They are traps and snares cleverly devised to siphon away the joy intended for us in this life and - yes - in this age..

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” ~ Romans 12:2

If you are a believer, you are not of this world, though you are certainly in it. In the Gospel of John, Chapter 17, Jesus prays for the glorious outcome of His mission in this world, He prays for His disciples and He prays for all future believers (that's you and I!). This is Jesus’ last act before His arrest, trials and crucifixion. Jesus’ prayers in that instance are in deliberate contrast to the world system in which He knew we would struggle. The word “world” is repeated 17 times in John 17 in the New King James version. Check it out.

15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16 For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. ~ 1 John 2:15-17

A recent post written by Os Hillman (TGIF) titled “To Know My Ways” resonates;
“Technology is supposed to make our ability to accomplish things easier and make us more productive. I love the technology gadgets available to us today. In twenty years these will seem as old and archaic as the eight track player. (See, some of you don't know what that is.)
Research reveals that the average person is working much longer hours today because we literally can work from anywhere. Our technology allows us to stay in constant contact with others, which means we are always on call. Unless we intentionally set boundaries, we will never rest from our work.
God got angry with the people of Israel because they did not know His ways. They failed to recognize the boundaries He had set for them that would ensure a spiritual and physically successful life. They chose to disregard His ways. This disobedience led to their inability to enter God's rest.
God's rest means that we can actually do our work and still be refreshed through His Spirit in our inner man. It is the opposite of sweat and toil. It means that the fruit of our work comes as a result of abiding in the vine of His grace and power. Jesus said you can do nothing (worthwhile) unless you are connected to the vine.
In order to do this you and I must do two things. We must understand His ways and we must do His ways. When we follow these two things, we will begin to experience His supernatural rest in all of our endeavors.”
"Reprinted by permission from the author. Os Hillman is an international speaker and author of 15 books on workplace calling. To learn more, visit http://www.MarketplaceLeaders.org"
“Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.”

~ Colossians 3:2

Monday, June 15, 2015

Partnerships & Yokes / Abraham & Lot

There is a popular concept shared amongst those in the Christian community that refers to the even or uneven “yoking” of individuals. In marriage, in social relationships and in business uneven yoking is amplified if one of the members is an authentic Christian and the other is not. The sort of stark contrast that manifests when a true believer is yoked in any significant way (like in a business partnership or in a personal relationship like marriage) to an unbeliever can only lead to conflict which leads to one of several potential outcomes; the winning of a soul to Christ and the bounty that follows, a split or a life of monotonous discord and misery.

Paul advises the Corinthian Church in his second letter to them in Chapter 6, Verse 14 not to be yoked together with unbelievers. Paul goes on to ask, “what communion has light with darkness?” He encourages believers to “be separate”. Paul is referring to partnerships and fellowship – intimate relationships that rely on faith and trust to be wholesome – and blessed. He’s not instructing Christians to separate entirely from society and only interact with one another. After all, how else would the Gospel be spread? Similarly, Christians are not meant to blend into society. They are meant to contrast with society as beacons of light that lead to hope and salvation.

Fundamental personal relationships require a yoking with those who are like-minded and hearted for the building up of our faith, Godly encouragement and selfless support.

I have known and I know believers who are unevenly yoked with business and life partners and such relationships, unattended, eventually choke. There will come a time when the choking may demand an un-yoking and the dissolving of a partnership or relationship. Placing that relationship at the foot of the Cross is the starting place. God in the infinite wisdom, love and power of His Spirit will search the hearts of those involved and He may restore and re-set the yoke or He may cast off the yoke.

When the notion of an unyoking or dissolving of a flawed or dysfunctional partnership is considered it is just as important to consider what and for whom we grasp in the process. Our motives and manipulations of the circumstances to affect an outcome will factor into whether or not the outcome is a blessed one. The only thing to grasp for in such a circumstance is Jesus Christ.

I was recently doing a study contrasting the character and integrity of Abram and Lot. Early on in the Biblical account of their relationship (Genesis 13) we see that both have become successful. Their flocks and herds co-exist in one region of pastures and they have out-consumed the ability of the land to support their growth. Conflicts begin to arise. The situation is unsustainable. Abram initiates action. What follows is the dissolution of the partnership between Abram and Lot. What is revealed in the process of that dissolution tells of the character of each of the partners.

What Abram has in character Lot lacks. Where Abram is a selfless initiator of the partnership split and gives Lot first choice of the lands he will move toward, Lot thinks only of himself and makes a hasty choice out of selfish and slothful ambition. Where Abram is a man of action, Lot is passive and goes along to get along. Where Abram accepts responsibility, Lot does not. Where Abram acts courageously, Lot is cowardly. Where Abram trusts God and looks to the greater rewards promised by God, Lot settles for cheap comfort here and now. Where Abram is an authentic man, Lot is a sad counterfeit of a man and his family and lineage pay dearly for it.

Abram: He becomes Abraham, he and his household are blessed and he becomes the first of the Biblical Patriarchs.

Lot: Not so much …


Monday, May 4, 2015

God - Go Before Me

 "The Lord your God, who goes before you, He will fight for you, according to all He did for you in Egypt before your eyes," ~ Deuteronomy 1:30

I’d been studying in Leviticus and Numbers and about the old law and the sacrifices required to cover sin. Leviticus and Numbers can be monotonous reading but one cannot come away from such reading without a sense of the exquisite order in those books, often repeated for emphasis … true evidence that the Creator is a God of deliberate order and structure and provision to the finest detail. He is in the farthest reaches of the past, He is here now and in the farthest reaches of the future. He anticipates all things. He goes before all things.

I had been immersed in my study all day recently and that evening my wife and I sat to rest after dinner in our backyard. It’s early spring and the birds are back and up to their mating antics. It’s a cacophony of chirping and ruffling of feathers and pairs whirling about. We’ve lived in our home for 30 years and we recognize the returning Sparrows, Cardinals, Blue Jays, Robins and Mocking Birds (my favorite). They make nests in the same bushes – and leave droppings on our cars in the same places. Heaven knows how many generations of the same family of birds we have seen hatch, grow and return here each year.

We have Red Tailed Hawks now too. Something ominously new. This has added a dimension of drama to our little backyard nature show. Once in a while all the birds, quite suddenly, will take frantic flight and disappear. A scrambling mass evacuation. Moments later the spectre of a soaring hawk will appear; wings spread and rigid, banking and weaving a pattern like a fighter plane just above the canopy of trees - a shark patrolling its reef.

As my wife and I sat in our lawn chairs two Morning Doves flew just above our heads and perched on our stockade fence not ten feet away. They startled us. Then they moved closer and perched atop our back door awning. They seemed completely at ease and tame so close to us. The little couple faced each other, necking and preening. I sensed that their proximity to us gave them a sort of protection from the threats orbiting above. Or maybe they were just curious. Or maybe the were a sign. They had come to rest so naturally and so close.

Doves are a sign of peace and considered by many to be a good omen. Doves, a relative of the pigeon, were also a suitable blood offering to cover the sins of a poor man under the old covenant. A bird, plentiful and easily caught, they were prescribed as an acceptable offering if a ram or other such animal were not procurable due to one's limited means. Imagine seeing these creatures as something to be caught and split in half and burnt – to cover one’s sins. How many would have to be caught over-and-over again and slain to make restitution for my repeated sins?

As I looked at these two beautiful, sweet, gentle, innocent doves and thought about my willful, rebellious sin I could not help but consider my callous disregard for the pollution of my sins on me and the creation all around me. Perhaps the need for the slaughter of innocence every time one sinned might heighten mankind’s conviction and turn him from it. But apparently that didn’t work – the history in the Bible documents that.

So, as with the creation, as with the entire Israelite generation that wandered to their deaths in the wilderness led by a pillar of fire by night and of cloud by day and the new generation who knew nothing of Egypt’s bondage and who strayed nonetheless – He led. As with the victories and the prophesies all promised and fulfilled despite our lack of faith; God went before us, once again, once and for all, as the last blood sacrifice – sparing the animals and the birds and most importantly us. Sparing us so we might have fellowship with Him and acknowledge His glory. The worse we behaved the more graciously He endured His beloved creation and He always led. He always leads. He must lead.

"And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” ~ Deuteronomy 31:8

Seeing those doves not as food and not as an offering is seeing those doves as God created them and intended us to see them – innocent, dependent, beautiful, wonderfully made, loved.

God – go before us. Go before me.

"I will go before you
and make the crooked places straight;
I will break in pieces the gates of bronze
and cut the bars of iron."
Isaiah 45:2


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

What A Gossip Won't Tell You

Listen. I've got to tell you something that's really been bothering me. Now this is just between you and me. Please don't utter a word of it to anyone else. It's just that I'm really concerned. I'm not a gossip or anything and what I'm going to tell you - well, the person I'm going to tell you about - is someone I truly love and respect. They are a brother in the faith after all and I don't want you to get me wrong - BUT ...

God is faithful to lead us to the Truth about things. His Word is a treasure trove of wisdom. The other day He brought me to Proverbs 20:19. You know how sometimes a familiar verse explodes with deeper meaning? Well, that's what happened. The verse is about refraining from dealing with "Gossips" – but the lesson I was to learn in meditation on that verse was about a whole lot more.

We have all been "overtaken" by a gossip episode. It's a temptation. Once entangled we can't wait to get out of its web. It’s a human weakness and satan uses gossip very skillfully to ruin people, relationships and organizations. We’ve all been drawn into or have witnessed a gossip episode that was divisive, wrong and God-less. We know that whatever we tell another “in confidence” will be retold “in confidence” because we have all done it ourselves. Every Christian knows that there is nothing new under the sun and that we all share the same sin nature and sin struggles. It’s universal. If you were born you will experience what everyone else experiences – you will be drawn into a gossip or be wounded by one. You will tell another what you “really” think of another person whom you have flattered to their face. What does the Bible say? 1 Corinthians 10:13, "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man."

Maybe you or I were lucky when we fell into the temptation of a “gossip” and the smear ran its course without us being revealed as complicit in its perpetuation. God saw it. Maybe you were exposed and the damage to your reputation ruined a relationship or invalidated your testimony for a long season. Maybe you are still not speaking with that person or those persons and the wounds are still raw. Perhaps those wounds will never heal (which is the subject of another contemplation ...).

We all get caught up in gossip when we do not quench it at its birth. Neutral silence is not neutral at all – it is tacit approval. In Proverbs 6:12-19 (NKJV) God lists six and then seven things that He hates; “A worthless person, a wicked man, walks with a perverse mouth; he winks with his eyes, he shuffles his feet, he points with his fingers; perversity is in his heart, he devises evil continually, he sows discord. Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly; suddenly he shall be broken without remedy. These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies and one who sows discord among brethren.” What the Bible is describing here, in my opinion, is the “instigator” of gossip, the agent of satan of whom we need to be watchful. And we need to watchful of the impulse for it in ourselves.

Something in our flesh derives a measure of self esteem from being able to tell someone else something they don’t know that excites them about another human being - A TALE. You see, we would all do well to follow the wisdom of 2 Corinthians 10:12 which states, “for we dare not class ourselves or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. But they, measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. We derive false self-esteem from such comparisons and relativist behavior and thinking.

Without complete trust and harmony with God we are all desperately insecure. With that insecurity as a subtle lever our adversary pries open our mind and suggests that security can be had by betraying a confidence or by undermining another. We bring this betrayal like a precious gem to others who gladly accept it as a sort of gift. And so sin infiltrates our mind through an insecure heart egged-on by an agent of satan who serves as instigator. A weak relationship with God causes us to grasp at acceptance from the crowd of people around us and in that arena we will be tempted to offer up on the altar of social acceptance whatever tidbits that a gossip can use to weave discord.

Leading up to the revelation in Proverbs 20:19 are three verses I would like to present;

Proverbs 11:13 (NKJV) A talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter.

Proverbs 16:28 (NKJV) A perverse man sows strife, and a whisperer separates the best of friends.

Ephesians 4:29 (NKJV) Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.

You don’t generally see or hear a lot about the topic of gossip unless there is a problem with it. I’ve witnessed gossiping storms that have swept in and resulted in church splits and the complete demise of churches. A house divided against itself will not stand and often goes up in flames sparked by gossip or urged into an inferno by an arsonist's accelerant of gossip. I’ve witnessed people driven to literally accusing their brethren of being possessed by satan and demons in their spiral of gossip and denial of gossip as they run to cover their complicity in the spreading of gossip gone wild. It is cowardly, deceitful and makes greater cowards out of those who succumb to it. It is satan’s most exquisite tool to alienate us one from another. Oh how gossip leads to the isolation and persecution of innocents. There is no forgiveness or love to be found in gossip; only insinuation, fabrications, exaggerations and hurt.  

And so we come to Proverbs 20:19. (I have been using text references from the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible here because I found a greater depth to the wisdom conveyed by Proverbs 20:19 in this version that is somehow not illuminated in the other translations I studied. So, to be consistent, I have stayed with the NKJV throughout.)

Proverbs 20:19 (NKJV) states; He who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets; Therefore do not associate with one who flatters with his lips.”

Did I read that right - especially the second part? So there it is. Phrasing it in my own words; A gossiper will betray a confidence and broadcast what is heard without a care for any damage it may do. SO – don’t hang around with or confide in such a person who uses flattery to disarm you in order to draw information from you that he will use to sow discord.  Fair enough?

Key here is the use of the word “flattery” which comes from the Hebrew root “Pathah” meaning; to delude, allure, deceive, entice, flatter, persuade or ally in a sinister way.

The warning is clear; certainly steer clear of gossipers but therefore and most importantly steer clear of flatterers because they are the instigators of gossip. If someone starts telling you how great you are – RED FLAGSGOSSIP INSTIGATOR ALERT! Most of us are not of this two-fold personality but we allow ourselves to get caught up in the schemes of those who are and we become complicit in their treachery.

So gossipers are not always just gossipers and blabbermouths. Deceitful people can come disguised as flatterers. Gossiping and flattery are not, apparently, mutually exclusive traits according to God – they go together. Don’t trust flatterers. Flatterers may be gossipers. These are sowers of division and dissent. Don’t associate with them. Who do you know who has flattered you in a disarming way and has used your pride to draw information from you? Who tells you how great you are AND THEN asks you what you think about somebody else or some situation or your position on some issue? Who tells you how great you are and then adds how under-appreciated you are and then makes a statement about what they think about someone or something to whom you in your self-gloating silence send a message of tacit agreement? Cut them off.

I wish I could say that I have a perfect record with regard to gossip but I do not. And the same goes with the power of flattery on my ego. My pride is susceptible to the prying lever of flattery.

Genuine commendation, appreciation and affirmation is not flattery. Such input can be positive, reassuring and encouraging when it is offered forth WITHOUT STRINGS ATTACHED. Because when strings are attached - those strings will bind you.

A gossiper won't tell you any of this ... !


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Matters of the Heart

It’s now February. And no, this isn't a Valentine's Day message.

Most of the year lays ahead of us. Momentum is building. But on what foundation is that momentum being built? Are God-honoring motives at the core? As you contemplate and cast your vision outward, are you testing your heart and your motives? Have you asked God to examine your heart? A small group of Christian Business leaders with whom I meet and with whom I serve as a facilitator for "Truth @ Work" recently focused on the core reality of King David – he had a heart after God - and God knew it - and God delighted in David. Here's what else we discussed:

God delights in you – His creation – fearfully and wonderfully made in His image! He wants us to wallow and wonder in that and proclaim His glory. That's the core of the intimate relationship God wants with each of us through His Son Jesus Christ.

God measures us by the movements of our hearts. How does your heart respond to His love and the promptings of His Holy Spirit? How does it respond to sinful impulse? If we can fully embrace the notion that God truly delights in us, such a self-identity will lead to an intimacy with God that produces steadiness in prosperity and adversity.

Pastor Mike Bickle of the International House of Prayer in Kansas City said this about how our sin nature will influence the way we handle success if we have not guarded our heart against it; “When honor increases it causes the heart to be glad and stumble into pride. When honor decreases it causes the heart to be sad and it stumbles into bitterness and complaining.” How does your heart respond?

“Let another man praise you, and not your own mouth. A stranger and not your own lips.” ~ Proverbs 27:2

If our heart is not right, in prosperity we will draw away from God and only in adversity will we seek Him. So as Psalm 37:4 states; “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”

A recent blog post by Os Hillman puts a good perspective on this;

Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. - Psalm 127:1a
Imagine spending years building an expensive home with the finest materials and craftsmanship. It is a work of art, and the project is almost complete. As the day arrives to move in, a building inspector arrives and hands you a notice that condemns your beautiful home because it doesn't meet code. Many Christian workplace believers who invest years in their businesses will one day stand before the Lord and realize they were building the house, not the Lord. God is very picky about motives behind the actions. Before we act, we must ask why? Why are we doing what we are doing? Has God called us to this task? Or is the real motive purely financial? Or control. Or prestige. If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work (1 Corinthians 3:12-13).

David learned this principle by the end of his life. Throughout his life he had learned that God always tested him to find out what was in his heart, and what his motive was in his actions. David instructed his son to "...acknowledge the God of your father, and serve Him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts" (1 Chron. 28:9a).
"Reprinted by permission from the author. Os Hillman is an international speaker and author of 15 books on workplace calling. To learn more, visit http://www.MarketplaceLeaders.org"

As we seek success in our endeavors we must indeed guard our hearts from the ill effects of success when we achieve it. And achieve we should – with a heart after God.      

And what is success? Is it not luxuriating in the unconditional intimate love and delight of God in us? Picture David, the King of Israel, dancing and singing naked before the Ark.  Scandalous!
